Cloud Telephony

Novillo is an advanced version of cloud telephony for lead selling platforms. With Novillo you get virtual numbers that can be displayed on various platforms, i.e. business websites, brochures, paid campaigns etc. Using these numbers, the seller gets to manage all their calls during the process of lead generation. There is no need to set up an in-house PBX. Novillo provides you with a complete solution for managing incoming calls over the internet without the requirements of hardware. Launch your campaigns with few clicks.

Custom Welcome Message

Personalize the process. Customize welcome messages to greet your caller. With your preferred welcome message enhance your caller experience with Novillo's advanced call routing features.

Custom Hold Music

With the ability to set up preferred hold music for the caller to listen to while waiting for the call to be answered. This can be a plain jingle to some advertisement/information message. Make the best use of the time spent by your callers.

CDR & Reports

Every call is logged on your campaign. Use readily available filters to download/view CDR. Use the dashboard to get real-time insights into the performance of the campaigns.

Call Recording

Record all your calls for any campaign. Ensure 100% compliance and facilitate these recordings for any dispute.

Call Forwarding

Utilise the automated buyer call-buy feature to manage the task of call forwarding to transfer leads to buyers. All self managed by buyer. All you need to do is list your campaign and its base price and the lead buyers set their call rate and volume.

Call Blocking

Buyers have the ability to block unwanted calls to their campaign with call blocking features.

Call Routing

Advanced Call routing features like priority based or round robin method can be adopted for call distribution.

Other Features

Sticky Agent / API Integration / Existing CRM Integration / SMS Integration / Email Integration / Ping Post.

Contact Us +91 9599406553